Desperately Seeking Employment
I have employment, kinda. I get my ass out of bed in the morning and drive 45 minutes if I don't hit the lights, sit at a desk for 6 to 8 hours a day, mostly play solitaire on the computer and pretend to be doing stuff.
Please, pleeease God! I need a job where I get to do stuff other than drive my boss's 15 year old all over God's green earth and vacuum. Oh, I'm sorry, sometimes she lets me look up pointless things on the Internet.
Clunk! A ratty ass recipe binder, my age plus a me falls on my desk. "Find me another one of these. This one is falling apart."
I think to myself: "Drive your rich ass to Target and buy yourself one, you stupid bitch."
I say: "Uh-huh." Dial up tone is heard as I connect to the Internet. Hence I waste my morning looking for this stupid recipe binder, which by the way, E-bay lists as an antique. Whatever, I write down some prices, I give 'em to her, she decides to order three leather binders to the tune of $35 a piece.
Really? Really. I need a new job. Preferably one where I get to think on a regular basis, even occasionally would be great. Really.